Submitted by Jody Clair
Pikes Peak
Colorado Springs
I have a Girl Scout in my troop that came to us under the idea that she may not have fit in. This never sits well, as we do our best to treat girls the fairly and we teach them to treat each other fairly.
This was a semi-shy, not sure what to expect young lady. I guaranteed her that we made sure everyone is included. She chose to join us.
This year, we did a troop overnight at Hamp Hut with multi-levels. Girl Scout Rhi made sure all girls were included in games and activities- even the younger ones in a different level. She went out of her way to make sure all the younger girls had a turn and she taught them so much. Yes, the other Girl Scouts participated, but there was something more about Girl Scout Rhi.
The other leaders and I watched her bloom into this amazing young lady that was making sure all girls were included and was going above and beyond. She has also said she likes the girls, but doesn’t ever want another Girl Scout or girl treated without respect or kindness. What does inclusion look like? This young lady and Girl Scout.
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