[tag Erie, Safety Award]
Submitted by Stacy Tone
Northern and Northeastern Colorado
Troop 77911 of Erie is holding a Safety Fair this January. Girl Scouts will participate in four different stations, first aid, what to do in an emergency and prevention, CPR and making a first aid kit. Interview first responders from Mountain View Fire Rescue and learn firsthand from nurses.
Participation in this 2-hour, hands-on event will fulfill the Safety Award requirements for Daisies. Brownies and Juniors will fulfill the requirements for their First Aid Badge. Sessions run 10am-12 and 12-2pm.
Cost is $10 per girl and includes a first aid kit, Safety Award Certificate, First Aid Badge Certificate for Brownies and Juniors, snack and a drink. Pins and badges not included. Event is limited to 70 Girl Scouts per session. Visit our page on the Event Finder for registration information.
Registration Deadline: January 9, 2016
Cost: $10 per Girl Scout. Please make checks payable to Troop 77911
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