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Reflect, Rejoice, Reengage

With summer coming to an end and a new Girl Scout year starting, we want to get together in a virtual space to reflect on what our Girl Scouts did this summer, rejoice with fellow Girl Scouts from across the state, and reengage with Girl Scouts by thinking about what activities you would like to do in the 2020 – 2021 Girl Scout Year. Girls will also learn about the new badges released by GSUSA this week.

Girls will be given a fun pre-activity to complete to prepare themselves to chat with other Girl Scouts about what they did this summer and to get excited for what’s next.

Girls will create two dream boards to reflect and plan for the next year.

  1. Last Year Reflection: This board will reflect on what you did this past Girl Scout year or your favorite parts.

  2. 2020 – 2021 Girl Scout Year: This board will be used to plan what you want to do next Girl Scout year. For example, what specific badges or Journeys do you want to earn? What other activities do you want to do?

This event is designed to be a fun time for girls to connect with other girls their age and get excited for a new Girl Scout year!

Register today!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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