Submitted by Audrey Dubler Denver
Bullying is a problem everywhere. To earn our Silver Award, my troop and I focused on stopping this worldwide problem. First we created our own video to help in a shortened Power Up presentation. The video featured a bullying scenario using all of us as actors. We later showed the video to the fifth graders at Global Village Academy. While teaching Power Up, we tried to hit the key points while including all of the required exercises. We had a shortened time period, but we did two separate classes so we could teach all of the fifth grade girls. The Power Up took the whole day, which we happened to have off, due to a teacher work day. After we taught the students, another member of my troop and I went back to explain to the teachers what we did. We learned that there was a change in how the fifth graders acted because of us. We also told the teachers how to deal with bullying in a classroom. We really believe that the Power Up program truly makes a difference in how people act, and helps eliminate bullying.
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