Submitted by Jennifer Knapp
Colorado springs
Pikes Peak
As a mom to 3 girls, cookies have become a huge part of our lives and I couldn’t survive without this amazing cookie dad. 3 years ago, Rick helped our daughter Callie with her first booth and now he is a co-leader, protector and all around awesome cookie dad. He has ran around the city retrieving cookies, delivering cookies and setting up booths this year. Sine we have 2 younger girls if he can’t physically stand with us at a booth, he is sitting not far ready to jump into action if Callie needs any help. Rick has dedicated so much time to helping Callie reach not only her initial goal but a second goal. Cookie season wouldn’t be fun without our “muscle”! Rick and other dads just like him are awesome and the girls are always so proud to say that the man standing behind them is their dad!
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