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Older girl newsletter: August 2017

Welcome to the first Girl Scouts of Colorado older girl newsletter! This newsletter will go out to Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors and their parents four times a year and will keep you up to date on older girl news, events, and leadership and adventure opportunities.

Would your girl like to receive this newsletter directly in her inbox? Fill out this form to sign her up!

(Girls must be 13 or older to receive GSCO communications)

New STEM and Outdoor Journeys and badges

Kick off your next Girl Scout year with access to brand new, girl-tested and approved programming! Combined with existing STEM and outdoor programs, as well as programming in life skills and entrepreneurship, these new Journeys and badges are designed to help you unleash your inner G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™.

Attend a Leadership Summit

Leadership Summit is a fun-filled learning conference that will get you energized for the new Girl Scout year and enhance your leadership skills! A variety of leadership development and enrichment sessions will be offered for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors. Grab a friend and come to the Leadership Summit nearest to you to get ready for the coming year. Sessions include:

Gold Award Training: Gold Award Training is required for any girl interested in pursuing her Gold Award; parents and troop leaders are encouraged to attend as well. This training thoroughly reviews the Gold Award process in Colorado and gets girls to start brainstorming next steps for their own Gold Award project.

Extended Trips: Learn the ins, outs, and special considerations for extended travel in this interactive class. This training is appropriate for two to three girl representatives per troop and is required for domestic and international travel three or more nights in length.

Leadership Summit Dates:

  1. August 26: Colorado Springs (register now!)

  2. September 16: Highlands Ranch (register now!)

  3. September 23:Longmont (register now!)

  4. September 30: Grand Junction

  5. October 14: Pueblo

  6. October 15: Denver

Travel the world with Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts can whisk you to the far corners of the earth! Learn more about all the ways you can travel as an older Girl Scout in our upcoming travel webinars! Can’t make it? We will record and post to the GSCO blog and send out links in the next older girl newsletter!

General Travel Webinar- Tuesday, October 3, 2017, 6-7 p.m. Learn about where you can find travel resources (money earning, trip planning, forms) and ways you can travel (travel companies, World Centers) through Girl Scouts either individually or with your troop. This presentation is intended for girls or troop travel ambassadors.

Destinations Webinar – Thursday, October 5, 2017, 6-7 p.m. Destinations are trips sponsored by councils across the country and are for all Girl Scouts ages 11 to 17. Learn more about destinations options available, hear from past destinations participants about their experience, money-earning strategies, and council application timelines.

Plan your year

Outdoor Adventure Club single-event passes Get outside, explore, and meet other older girls interested in the outdoors! Single event passes for the Outdoor Adventure Club are $75 per event. This fall we are hiking a 13-er, going to a high ropes course, and more. Learn more about Outdoor Adventure Club.

Jump into your next Girl Scout adventure This is the perfect time to start planning your Girl Scout year and preparing for your next awesome adventure! Here are a couple resources to help you along your way.

  1. Events Calendar: This is a great starting point to find opportunities in your area. From babysitting workshops to Gold Award Training to camp weekends -you’ll find it on the events calendar.

  2. GSCO Blog: Learn about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and more through the GSCO blog. Sign up to have blog updates sent right to your email so you never miss out, and share your G.I.R.L. story with us!



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