Just in time for day camp and resident camp to begin, Girl Scouts of the USA have just published some amazing research that backs up what our dedicated and caring camp counselors already know!
According to a new study by the Girl Scout Research Institute (GSRI), More Than S’mores (2014), girls benefit immensely from time spent outdoors. Girls who regularly spend time outdoors eclipse their peers who spend less time outdoors in environmental stewardship, more readily seek challenges, and are better problem solvers—all important traits in twenty-first century leadership. Outdoor experiences are also particularly beneficial to girls of comparatively low socioeconomic status (SES). More Than S’mores finds that lower-SES girls who have regular outdoor exposure through Girl Scouts are likely to credit Girl Scouts with helping them become leaders. Read the full article.
Now the question is, is your Girl Scout ready to spend time outdoors this summer? Girl Scouts of Colorado’s camps are amazing opportunities that get your girl outdoors and connecting with nature. You can also visit our GSCO properties to get your family or girl outdoors!
NOTE: This research is based on outdoor experiences for girls in ALL shapes and forms. It is not limited to programs that happen solely on Girl Scout owned properties.