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New date added for Harry Potter crafting event

Submittedy by Cindy Held


Metro Denver

Due to high demand, Cadette troop 64272 has added another date for the Harry Potter Crafting event! Survey responses have shown the attendees had a great time and loved the crafts they made.

Brownies (2-3), Juniors (4-5) and non-scout friends are invited to spend an afternoon enjoying Harry Potter themed crafts, food, and games. Wear your wizard robe if you like!

Make magical crafts including wands, dragon snot/slime, a bottle charm necklace, and a charm bookmark.

Enjoy some delicious Butterbeer, Hagrid’s rock cakes, cockroach clusters, and Butterbeer krispie bites.

DATE: 9/17/16 1:30-4:00

WHERE: Schlessman Library, 100 Poplar St., Denver 80220

COST: $18 without patch/$23 with patch (may decrease to $20-please see flyer).

REGISTRATION: E-mail Cindy Held at or text to 303-507-6966. Please include the child’s name and whether or not he/she would like a patch.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.



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