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Meet the Global Action Committee: Heidi Mazur

Tower Bridge

How long have you been associated with Girl Scouts?

Since 1979

The Global Action Committee?

One year

What is your role on the Global Action Committee?

Not much

Why did you join the Global Action Committee?

I would love to help out because I have traveled so much, but not a lot of extra time I can commit.

What World Centers have you visited or participated in a session with?

Pax Lodge twice, Sangam, and Our Chalet.

What is your fondest memory or experience at this center?

Meeting other Girl Guides from different countries. Doing a service project.

What is one piece of advice you would give to girls wanting to learn about or become involved with Global Girl Scouting?

Just do it. Don’t dwell so much on the cost of the trip, you can’t put a price tag on the experience.

Want to be involved with the Global Action Committee? Email us at 

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