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Listen now: Meet a Forester Webinar

Girl Scouts of Colorado thanks Danielle Ardrey and Kelsey Lesniak for co-hosting our “Meet a Forester” webinar! More than 30 Girl Scouts from across Colorado participated in this webinar on May 27, 2020. Missed it? Listen to the recording now. A transcript of this webinar is at the bottom of this post.

Danielle is a Conservation and Youth Education Specialist and Kelsey is a Forester. Both women work for the Colorado State Forest Service. Kelsey taught Girl Scouts about her work to manage and maintain healthy forests in Colorado and Danielle talked about Project Learning Tree and the other wonderful educational resources the Forest Service has to offer. Girl Scouts asked lots of wonderful questions about wildfire safety, trees, and life as a forester. We all learned that Kelsey’s favorite tree is a spruce and favorite Girl Scout cookie is a Samoa. Danielle’s favorite tree is an elm, specifically the one in her backyard, and her favorite Girl Scout cookie is a Thin Mint with Tagalongs coming in close second.

Listening to this webinar satisfies Step Two of the Cadette Trees badge: Dig into the amazing science of trees.

Here are some resources from the Colorado State Forest Service:

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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