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Help GSCO meet our goal for the Carla Montana Distinguished Military Veteran Memorial Girl Scout Adv

GSCO blog

We are so close to reaching our goal, but we need your help!

On March 17, 2020 Girl Scouts of Colorado announced Elba Barr, Army Veteran and Lifetime Girl Scout, had issued a matching gift challenge to raise $10,000 needed to create the Carla Montana Distinguished Military Veteran Memorial Girl Scout Adventure Fund.  Elba will match up to $2,500 for gifts received between now and April 4.  Thanks to the generosity of Girl Scout supporters we are almost there, needing only $425 more. GSCO hopes to announce the completion of this by April 4, during the Month of the Military Child, but can’t do it without you.

Make a donation today and invite family and friends to join the effort!

We look forward to sharing our progress toward this goal with you soon as well as additional details on the scholarships it will provide to Colorado Girl Scouts.

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