Submitted by Allison Ellington Grand Junction Western Slope
Troop 33 from Grand Junction had some great ideas on what they wanted to learn about at an older girl conference. I met with them, we brainstormed and this Healthy Living Conference was the result. Thanks for the fantastic ideas! We had so many community partners ready to come to this and share their expertise, it was fantastic. We also had a great turnout – 35 Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors from all over the Western Slope.
We started the day off with some Crossfit training and dancing with some coaches from Kaia Fitness. The girls learned about healthy skin and how to protect themselves from the harsh sun from Rodan and Fields representative, Kristin. We had a psychologist come in and do a workshop on dealing with emotions and stress. They followed that up with making stress balls and doing some meditative relaxation. Thanks for that, Dr. Amy.
The girls loved making their own healthy lunch together while trying out some fun tools from Pampered Chef helper, Laura. Lunch was all purchased at Natural Grocers who also sent their Nutritionist, Dustin. The girls had a ton of questions for him! We ended the day with some relaxing and centering yoga with our favorite yoga instructor, Maegan. What a blast! I have heard back from girls and parents that this was a very impactful day – they had a great time and learned a ton. All of our community partners can’t wait to do this again.
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