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Why do you love your leader?

GSCO blog

Leaders are the extraordinary force that make Girl Scouting possible every day—and that is truly amazing. They give their time, spark, and hearts to make a difference in the lives of girls who in turn help make the world a better place.

Volunteer Appreciation Day is April 22, 2015 and we want girls to help us honor outstanding leaders. Girls should write a short essay about why they love their leader. Girls 12-years-old and younger can have a parent help them. Girls 13-years-old and older should write their essay themselves. Submit your essay through Share Your Stories on the Girl Scouts of Colorado web-site and be sure to include a photo of your leader, preferably involved in a Girl Scout-related activity. However, any photo will do. You may also submit a link to a YouTube or Vimeo video. All submissions must be received by Thursday April 23, 2015.

The best stories will be shared on the Girl Scouts of Colorado blog and social media networks. We also have a special prize for the best submissions to show our leaders just how much we appreciate them.

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