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Watch now: 2020 Bridging Video

GSCO blog

A big thank you to everyone who submitted photos of your “at home bridging” this spring! Bridging is an important transition in a Girl Scout’s life. It’s a defining moment when a Girl Scout becomes aware of her achievements and is ready for new adventures and responsibilities. We are thrilled to celebrate the 9,000 Girl Scouts across Colorado who are bridging from one Girl Scout level to the next this season.

While we know bridging hasn’t looked the same this year as it has in year’s past, we hope this slideshow video gives Girl Scouts across Colorado an opportunity to reflect on their Girl Scout experience and look toward the next Girl Scout level. Whether the next Girl Scout level brings highest awards, community service, or an overnight experience, we know Girl Scouts will continue to be filled with new adventures, experiences, and opportunities.

Congratulations to all the bridging Girl Scouts this year! We hope Girl Scouts continues to build you as a girl of courage, confidence, and character who makes the world a better place.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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