I joined Girl Scouts as a snaggle-toothed second grade Brownie (which was the age at which Girl Scouting began, back in the olden days of the early ‘60’s). I’m not aware of any burning desire to be a Girl Scout. At the time, there were few after-school activities and perhaps, my mother was glad to have me participate in one of them. But, oh what a difference it made in my life! Girl Scouting provided consistency and a safe place from a chaotic home life. We moved a fair amount and I could always count on Girl Scouts to provide me an opportunity for new friends and adventures. And soon after I relocated to Colorado with my husband and children, signing up as a Girl Scout allowed me to make friends quickly. After nearly 30 years in Colorado, my friends are mostly Girl Scouts, with whom I gather, meet and greet, and travel. Retiring from the staff of the former Mile Hi Legacy Council ten years ago, I continue to lunch with my former colleagues. Now, who else can claim such a long-lived, inspiring network of former co-workers as friends?
I was retired, however, not willing to be left out of the loop of Girl Scout doings, hence my interest in the Membership Connection Committee (MCC). What’s kept me involved with the MCC for the last 10 years? Kept in the loop, indeed, with an understanding of the current direction and efforts of Girl Scouts in Colorado. Able to make a small contribution on matters of governance and membership. Meeting other Girl Scouts, girls and adults, with a responsibility to inspire, educate, and support. My term will soon come to an end and I hope I’ll be welcomed back after the required hiatus.
I’ve served as a troop leader, trainer, service unit manager, event organizer, and now board member in my nearly 50 years of Girl Scouting. I’m a Lifetime Member of GSUSA. I currently support two troops and continue to train in leadership and outdoor skills. Serving as an MCC member gives me a great deal of satisfaction since it allows me to share my skills and opinions in ways that influence the future of our organization and our members. I have two sons [“huge, handsome and handy”, former Boy Scouts and “Girl Scout boys (until they became too distracting at Girl Scout events)”] and had, at one time, 26,000 ‘daughters’. A terrific experience that enriched my world, provided me with adventures (around the state, the USA and the world) and made me a better person, trying to live by the Promise and Law. Through my mentoring of young Girl Scouts, I know I’ve made a difference and that feels good.
Girl Scouts of Colorado is lucky to have a unique governance system with the Membership Connection Committee as the centerpiece of our democratic process and a way to give our members a strong voice in the issues they care most about. Would you like to be a voice for Girl Scouts of Colorado? Speak up and contribute our success together! To reach the MCC, e-mail GSCO.MCC@gscolorado.org