The Global Action Team is a network of dedicated Girl Scout volunteers who are passionate about Girl Scouts learning and experiencing other cultures and the world beyond the United States. The Global Action Team invites you to join them!
The concept of “global” is present in everything a Girl Scouts does. From earning the Violet Petal as a Daisy, learning how to be a sister to every Girl Scout, celebrating World Thinking Day, completing the Justice Journey as an Ambassador, or exploring global environmental issues.
The Global Action Team meets virtually once a month to discuss plans for global ideas, concepts, and events for Girl Scouts of Colorado. Over the last few years, the Global Action Team has:
• Assisted service units across the state with their regional World Thinking Day programs
• Written Blog Posts to inform Girl Scouts about Global Activities
As we embark on a new membership year, we look forward to being guests at virtual Service Unit Meetings to introduce Global and WAGGGS to our membership, World Thinking Day activities, Global Action Award activities and troop trip progression. Other ideas are in the planning process, and we’d love your input!
As we work to serve Girl Scouts across Colorado, we also are looking for members from across the state and we want you to join us!
This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the Girl Scout community and tap into your passion for all things global. If interested, please review the position description here and email the Global Action Team staff liaison, Rebecca Lipman,