Want to stretch your leadership skills and mentor younger Girl Scouts in a troop environment, guiding Daisy, Brownie or Junior girls through journeys or badges? If you have completed 9th grade, then the Volunteer in Training (ViT) award is for you! The skills learned through this training are also applicable to everyday life and will help girls become confident, effective leaders in everything they do. Bonus: The ViT is also a great resume boost and college essay topic for girls! To earn the ViT award, girls must:
Complete ViT Award Training
Connect with a younger girl troop to mentor.
Complete a program level 101 training on GSLearn (such as Daisy 101).
Work with girls through one membership year on a journey or badges. In the month of September, Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors will be able to complete their Volunteer in Training Award Training on our Google Classroom site.
This training will be completed on their own time. Girls will have access to the course from September 1, until September 30.. After completing the VIT Training, Girls will still need to complete their VIT Internship on their own, which can be done in-person or virtually. More details on their internship will be provided during the training. Please note: for this virtual experience girls should have a reliable internet connection to be able to share their audio and video. Questions? Contact GirlExperience@gscolorado.org