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Uniform to Uniform: Backing the blue

GSCO blog

Submitted by Amanda Hanson

Western Colorado


In our family, we bleed blue and red. Many of our family members are either volunteer firefighters or police officers. Our girls have received lots of support from dispatchers, officers, and firefighters. Our girls have a goal of selling 1,000 packages of cookies each. Our girls have loved the support from those who are risking their lives to make the world a better place.

These girls have made goodie bags for our local state troopers, visited with our firefighters, and been out in the public volunteering for elderly. Our Daisies also had hot cocoa with cops this year as part of their “Respecting Authority” petal!

Invite uniformed personnel, such as law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, etc., to visit you at your cookie booth as part of Uniform to Uniform! Learn all about this new patch program on the GSCO Blog:

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