Today, we’re going to make our own miniature greenhouses! If you would like more activities like this one, join us every other week on Thursdays after school for one of GSCO’s STEM Clubs. Click here for Daisy STEM Club. Click here for Brownie and Junior STEM Club.
You will need:
One Paper plate
Seeds of any kind
Two Clear plastic cups

What is the greenhouse effect? From Britannica Kids: “The greenhouse effect is a warming of Earth’s surface and the air above it. It is caused by gases in the air that trap heat from the Sun. These heat-trapping gases are called greenhouse gases, a common greenhouse gas actually comes from our bodies! Carbon Dioxide! Without the greenhouse effect, Earth would be too cold for life to exist.”
What is a greenhouse? A greenhouse is a building where plants such as flowers and vegetables are grown. Greenhouses warm up during the day by capturing the heat from the sunlight and keep in the heat overnight. The warmth and humidity that a greenhouse provides helps the plants grow faster than they would without a greenhouse. A gardener without a greenhouse is like a cook without a stove!
Let’s make our greenhouse!
Step One: Decorate your plate and cup. You can decorate it with drawings of the plants that will grow in your greenhouse or however you choose. Get creative!
Step Two: Fill one of your clear plastic cups halfway with soil.
Step Three: Take your pinky finger and put four or five little holes in the soil. Put your seeds in the holes you made in the soil. Then, put a little scoop of soil on top of the seeds!
Step Four: Add some water on top of the soil and place the other plastic cup on top of the other.
Step Five: Tape only one side of the two cups together so the cups can still open on a side and you can water it. Set your greenhouse somewhere in your house that has sunshine and watch your plants grow!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.