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Smart Cookie: Feb. 5, 2018

GSCO blog

The Girl Scout Cookie Program got off to a super start as girls went door-to-door on Super Bowl Sunday. We’re hearing reports of girls who had tremendous sales, and plenty of Super Bowl-watching parties featured Girl Scout Cookies for dessert!

If your girl sold 50 or more packages door-to-door on kickoff Sunday, don’t forget to fill out this form to claim her free Super Bowl patch. The deadline to submit the form is tomorrow, Feb. 6.

Cupboards are open Cookie Cupboards are open around the state if you need to restock your inventory. Please check your local cupboard hours in eBudde and try to give one week’s notice for orders to be filled. Be mindful that many cupboards are managed by volunteers and will have varying hours.

Council booth sites begin Feb. 16 Council booth selections have been made, and girls across the state are getting ready to Bling their Booths! Check eBudde for additional booth locations, and please release in eBudde any booths that your girls will not be able to staff so that another troop or girl can have the chance to sell there.

Be booth ready

While your girls and their families are out and about selling Girl Scout Cookies, they often get asked about Girl Scouting, and we want everyone to know that Girl Scouts is about so much more than selling cookies! Let’s show everyone how the world’s largest girl-led entrepreneurial program prepares girls to lead, learn, and succeed all while making it possible for them to embark on amazing adventures, form a lifetime of memories, and unleash the power of G.I.R.L. (go-getters, innovators, risk-takers, leaders)™ to change the world. Share this two-sided sheet with girls and families for tips on how to answer “Why Girl Scouts?” like a pro!

Don’t forget Digital Cookie

Remind the girls in your troop that Digital Cookie is an easy way to add to your sales. Girls can add a video message or a photo, share their goals and what they’ve learning by selling cookies, then share their digital cookie link with friends and family, even those living in other states.

Upcoming dates Feb. 16: Council booths begin

Feb. 23-25: National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend

March 11: Cookie program ends

March 13: Rewards orders due in eBudde

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