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Silver Award project: Community garden

GSCO blog

Girl Scout Cadettes Lizzy and Alina from Littleton wanted to help both people AND the environment. For their Silver Award project, they are working to build a community garden at their former elementary school, Colorow Elementary School. The vegetables that will be grown in the garden will be donated to a nearby food bank. Lizzy and Alina hope the garden will also give students at the school an opportunity to learn about gardening, composting, helping their community, and more.

“As Girl Scouts and teenagers, we strive to be the best people that we can be. When creating our project for our Silver Award, we had different ideas and merged them into one project. Alina’s idea was to help people in need, but bring it one step further and provide people with fresh produce at the local food bank at the neighborhood church. Lizzy’s idea was to help save the environment through educating kids the importance of doing your part in protecting the environment, as well as help the environment physically like composting,” wrote Lizzy and Alina.

The girls are using money earned through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, along with generous donations from the community, to build their garden. In fact, the girls received more donations than originally expected, especially cinder blocks, to make the raised garden beds. Now, they need other need other supplies, like dirt.

Lizzy and Alina also collected old t-shirts and remade them into cotton reusable bags so volunteers can take the produce from the garden to the food bank.

If you’re interested in helping Lizzy and Alina with their Silver Award project, email

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