Girl Scouts of Colorado is thrilled to announce the date for our virtual Highest Awards celebrations for the spring of 2021!
Highest Awards Girl Scouts, troops, and families are all invited to attend to celebrate our 2020-2021 class of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Award Girl Scouts in Colorado!
Sunday, May 16 – Virtual Highest Awards Celebrations
1 p.m. Bronze Award Celebration
2 p.m. Silver Award Celebration
3 p.m. Gold Award Celebration
These celebrations are an opportunity to recognize the outstanding Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award Girl Scouts who have earned their distinction in the last year. All troops and/or girls who have earned their Bronze, Silver, or Gold since March 2019 are invited to participate in a celebration of their choice.
Anyone who filled out the Bronze and Silver Notification form prior to March 1, 2021 will receive the event link and detailed information to share with the rest of their troop via email the first week of March.
You do not need to register for this event! The celebrations will premiere live on our Facebook and YouTube channels at the event start time.
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.