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Rypster the rock star Cookie Dad

GSCO blog


Submitted by Laura Walters


Southwestern Colorado

Ryp Walters is the best cookie dad ever.  He attends EVERY booth whether his daughter is working or not to support and encourage the girls (as well as set up and break down the booth).  The booth is amazing and awesome and was built by Paul Neiman, another dad in our troop, and his girls.  It WON the Bling Your Booth contest because of it’s awesomeness and creativity.  

Ryp not only supports Troop 4233 as the Cookie Leader but he also supports his other daughter and her Cadette troop in lots of ways.  

For this month of the year, Ryp’s garage and van are filled with not only love and family…but cookies and more cookies.  His commitment to excellence, to reaching goals and to having fun are what makes him the rock star that he is.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.

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