Submitted by Rebecca Lankford
Metro Denver
Cadette Troop 63572 is hosting two day camps this summer as part of their leadership progression. Why two camps? The troop has 17 active Girl Scouts who all have big goals so lots of things we do are big!
The two primary outcomes chosen for these camps are confidence and courage. The campers will work together through some traditional scouting activities like songs and games, and challenge themselves while learning new skills.
Buttercup Bootcamp will be at East Interlocken Park in Broomfield from June 26 – 30, 2017 and She’s Crafty will be at the Westminster campus of Front Range Community College July 17 – 21, 2017. Information and how to register can be found at:
Each camp is $175 and is completely volunteer-run. Our troop has held many successful events and the girls are excited to work with younger girls at these fun camps.
Interested in volunteering or helping as a PA or PAI? Info is available on the camp website! The number of campers we can have will be dependent on the number of adult volunteers.
Contact us at with questions.
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