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RAFT Offers Resources for Troops

GSCO blog

As Fall begins, it’s time to start prepping troop activities for the school year. If you’re searching for the materials to bring your ideas to life, fear not! RAFT Colorado is to the rescue.

RAFT has been working with Girl Scouts for more than 9 years, providing leaders with the inspiring supplies and educational ideas they need to engage their troops in fun, meaningful activities. At our Resource Center in Denver, you can find the affordable tools and learning experiences to fulfill your troop goals for the year.

If you’re looking for engaging activities and crafts for unit camps, RAFT has got you covered! RAFT also has the fun and funky materials to help you decorate for your Bling your Booth cookie booth contest this February.

RAFT is a membership organization, and troop leaders get $5 off their membership, which means you get access to all our resources for just $20 a year. For more information on all that RAFT has to offer, visit our website at

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