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New Opportunities in Outdoor Programs

As Outdoor Programs Director, I am a camp person. I absolutely love camps and believe in their value in the role of the development of our girls, our staff, and our volunteers. I have had the best experiences of my life, and have made the best friends I have ever had at camps. At camp, there is a special magic that exists in no other place in the world. There is a special feeling of “we can do anything” because with the creative energy of your cabin and help from a counselor-and what you didn’t know you had within yourself-you can! It is because of this that I have devoted my entire professional career to working with camps and supporting the growth and development of girls and children in a camp and outdoor environment.

It is heart-breaking to me to have to make decisions that decrease any camp programs. Because I work directly with resident and day camps, I get to see first-hand how amazing the programs and staff are, how much they change lives of the campers and staff, and how precious that special place in nature can be to any individual.

During this difficult time, I fall back on what I learned at camp. I choose my attitude and find ways to take positive action in this situation. I try to find the silver lining, and I believe there is one! Despite the drastic changes we have had to make to keep Girl Scouts of Colorado thriving into the future, I see this as an opportunity. It is an opportunity to really get back to basics, to value what is truly valuable, and to develop stronger outdoor programs for Girl Scouts that are inclusive and accessible to even more girls and volunteers. Currently, only 10 percent of our membership participate in organized Girl Scout summer camp. With increased community-based opportunities, this can grow!

Here are opportunities available to help impact the future of Outdoor Programs for Girl Scouts of Colorado in a positive way:

–Join the Outdoor Programs Advisory Committee: This committee will discuss general ideas and direction of Outdoor Programs with Girl Scouts of Colorado. Requirements:  must be Cadette level or older and a current registered Girl Scout. Adults must have registered as a GSCO volunteer. This committee will be volunteer appointments. If you are interested in being nominated for an appointment, please contact any Girl Scouts of Colorado staff member and they will forward your interest to the Outdoor Programs Director.

–Become a PA Trainer: We want to increase the accessibility of PA trainings on a service unit level! This will increase opportunities for the Girl Scout Leadership Experience with older girls around the state. Requirements: must be an adult volunteer; must have 6 days/year to devote to PA training and trainer enrichment.

Email if you are interested in this opportunity, put PA Trainer in your subject line.

–Create a Volunteer Day Camp! Council will offer trainings at Springaganzas for volunteers seeking this exciting opportunity. We have many successful volunteer-run Day Camps in place already that can share their knowledge with us!

GSCO will provide optional support for volunteers who are offering day camps for Girl Scouts in their communities including:

  1. posting their camp in the GSCO Summer Program Guide

  2. posting their camp on the website Activity Finder

  3. providing online registration

  4. providing use of council equipment and gear

  5. assisting with purchasing supplies for camp

  6. options to use Cookie Credits to help girls pay for camp

We will host an interest meeting (online and conference call available) on August 14 at 6pm at the Denver Service Center for those who want to use any or all of these options.

Email if you are interested in this opportunity, put Day Camp in your subject line.

–Create a Volunteer Overnight Camp! Council is developing more Outdoor Program volunteer trainings that can be taken by adult volunteers, and in some cases, Seniors and Cadettes. Overnight Troop or Service Unit Camps can be offered locally.

GSCO will provide optional support for volunteers who are offering day camps for Girl Scouts in their communities including:

  1. posting their camp in the GSCO Summer Program Guide

  2. posting their camp on the website Activity Finder

  3. providing online registration

  4. providing use of council equipment and gear

  5. assisting with purchasing supplies for camp

  6. options to use Cookie Credits to help girls pay for camp

We will host an interest meeting (online and conference call available) on August 14 at 6pm at the Denver Service Center for those who want to use any or all of these options.

Email if you are interested in this opportunity, put Overnight Camp in your subject line.

–Become a PA/CIT/VIT (used to be LIT): We are examining the PA process, streamlining it, and creating more leadership options for girls year-round. We are seeking PA Committee volunteers Senior level and above to give ideas on how the PA program can support girls as they transition into leadership position.

Email if you are interested in this opportunity, put PA Committee in your subject line.

Don’t have time for any of these volunteer positions? Help us recruit volunteers. Have a connection with a local university or another group of outdoor enthusiasts who you think might make the perfect volunteer for one or more of these positions? Let us know about them. We are sure there are a lot Coloradoans who would love to guide our girls in outdoor adventures, and would appreciate your help in making a connection to them as we seek out these individuals to help with our programming.

Volunteer categories in the future of Outdoor Programs…this list is always growing!

Day Camp: see above

Boating: Learn about how to get trained to be a boating volunteer with canoeing, kayaking, sailing and more! Email Judy at for more information.

Trip Leader: volunteer trip leader or guide to groups planning trips; this could be for your troop or other troops!

Outdoor Advisory Committee: see above

PA Trainer: see above

Horse Advocate: help build connections with local stables and other horse related programs and GSCO

High Adventure: help facilitate rock climbing, high ropes course, or zip line programs (additional training is required)

Marketing/Social Media: help promote events on the GSCO blog and on social media

Overnight Camp-Troop/SU Volunteer Run: see above

Resident Camp: contact the camp director of your desired camp in November/December to start the interview/screening process. Email for Tomahawk Ranch, and for Magic Sky Ranch. Opportunities for Resident Camp volunteers are limited due to childcare licensing restrictions.

Events/Outreach: help at outreach events; help recruit new girls with outdoor activities, help teach about the outdoors to other Girl Scouts and our community.

Outdoor Volunteer Trainer: help train with Cooking and Camping and other Outdoor Volunteer Trainings

To me, the decision to change outdoor programming, is not one that dilutes the value of Girl Scouting in Colorado’s outdoors. We have the same commitment to providing the outdoor leadership experience to girls, yet we need to get creative in how, where and who offers it. We are fortunate in this state to have plentiful outdoor opportunities through National Parks and Monuments, State Parks, Wilderness Areas, and more! Just because we are exploring a place outdoors that does not belong to Girl Scouts of Colorado, does not mean that experience will be any less special.

Girl Scouts are resourceful. We will find many and more ways to get girls into the outdoors, creating relationships with others and the world that will last a lifetime. This challenge is a temporary obstacle, and with the help of our girls and adult volunteers, we will come out of this stronger than before.

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