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New: Implicit Bias & Microaggressions Training Course

GSCO blog

Our GSCO council has just released an Impact Bias & Microaggressions training course. This is a self-pace learning opportunity for our staff and volunteers. The course can be accessed via gsLearn and consists of three modules: Definitions, Everyday Examples, and Intervention Strategies.

Through each module, participants will learn to define implicit or unconscious bias and how it’s connection to microaggressions. Learners will also examine everyday examples and impact of of microaggressions based on race, gender, sexuality, glass, ability, and a variety of other social identities. Finally, the course wraps up with implementation strategies to help volunteers and staff address microaggressions in everyday life.

Please log into your gsLearn account and search for “512 Implicit Bias and Micro-Aggressions” to begin learning. Our council also offers a DEIA Intro class for those who want to learn more about how DEI connects to our Girl Scout Promise and Law. This training is also available via gsLearn under “512 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility.”

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