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My Daddy is the Best Cookie Dad in the Galaxy!

Submitted by Amber Chase


Pueblo and Southeastern Colorado

My Dad, John Chase, is the best Cookie Dad in The Galaxy! He does many things to help my troop get ready for Cookie Season. He makes time to help my friends and I reach our goals. He works very hard to help me reach my personal goals as well!

Girl Scout Cookies for 22 girls take up a lot of space! Every year my Dad takes the time to clean our garage so we have a place to put the cookies. Since my mom cannot park her van in the garage he makes sure that her van is cleared of snow so she can still drive it. My Dad also helps pick up Girl Scout Cookies from the Cookie Cupboard. He organizes them in the garage so that it is easy to find the flavor that girls need when they come to pick up their orders.

My Dad loves Star Wars! When he was younger he collected movie displays and posters from the movies. When he found out that the theme of our Cookie Booth this year was Star Wars he gave my troop his cool displays to use at our booth! We have cardboard cutouts from all of the Star Wars movies that have been released! I think that it was pretty special of my Dad to give us his displays.

My Dad helps me each year to meet my Cookie-selling goals. Each year he helps me set up my Digital Cookie Store. He helps me set my goals, and then he helps me try to meet them. He takes vacation during Cookie Season every year so that while my Mom works as a florist during Valentine’s Day I can still sell Girl Scout Cookies. He also takes Girl Scout Cookies with him everywhere he goes! He sells Cookies at work, at my brother’s Boy Scout Meetings, and at his Chorus rehersals!

My Dad does a lot to help with Girl Scout Cookie Sales. I love my Dad a lot! He is an amazing Cookie Dad!

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