Submitted by Cameron Morgan
Metro Denver
Ten of our eleven Cadettes (sixth graders) logged in to a virtual meeting we hosted on GoToMeeting. We just started working on our “Breathe” Journey. The girls did the Promise and Law, then got scented items to describe as we talked about the smells present in our indoor and outdoor air. We each placed a section of Scotch tape someplace in our homes to collect particulates. We’ll examine those next time! We had a cookie season update from our troop cookie manager, and the girls held up fingers 1-10 to indicate how much fun they’d had during cookie season (mostly 9’s and 10’s!). We have packages ready for our Hometown Hero cookie delivery, whenever we can make that happen. Most girls included their pets or stuffies in our “closing circle,” where we sang “Make New Friends” together.
We had two girls already designated to lead the meeting; they had prepared the various segments based on the Journey guide book. As an adult leader, I was so impressed with their willingness to participate and their ability to take turns talking (sometimes hard in a group call). The future looks bright! We will meet again soon for chapter three of the Journey.
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