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GSCO blog

Submitted by Meredith Locke


Northern & Northeastern CO

Girl Scout Seniors made a video as part of their MISSION: SISTERHOOD! Journey ( Through this Journey, the Girl Scouts learned many things as they bonded and explored all sides of sisterhood. Their Take Action project was to ask Brownies and themselves through virtual activities what sisterhood is. Watch the video that is the completion of that project.

“Sisterhood sets girls up with a lifetime of support, friendship, and bonding. Having someone in your corner and being someone other people can turn to is really important to be successful. In this Journey, we learned all about these bonds and how to facilitate them. Sharing this experience with the girls in our troop brought us closer together and helped us get to know our sisters for life.”- Anonymous Girl Scout Senior

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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