Momi (mo·mee) and Mililani (mi·luh·laa·nee) are the Hawaiian Monk Seal mascots for the 2022 Fall Product Program!
The small and large plush seals are two of the rewards that Girl Scouts can earn. Mililani is earned at the $350 level, and Momi at $750.
To see all 2022 Fall Product Program girl rewards, check out the order card posted on our website. Remember that all rewards are cumulative.
Fun Facts About Hawaiian Monk Seals:
Scientific Name – Monachus schauinslandi. Size – Monk seals can grow up to seven feet long and can weigh as much as 600 lbs. Diet – These seals are considered “generalist” feeders. Which means they eat a wide variety of foods depending on what is available. The most common include fishes, squids, octopuses, eels, and crustaceans (crabs, shrimps and lobsters). Life Span – The average Hawaiian monk seal lives between 25-30 years. Habitat – These seals are found on the main and Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. They live in warm, subtropical waters and spend two-thirds of their time at sea. Predators – Sharks tend to be their biggest predators, specifically, Tiger Sharks.
Other cool thinks to know: • They can remain under water for up to 20 minutes. • They can dive more than 1800 feet deep, the length of FIVE football fields, but prefer to swim in shallow waters of two hundred feet or less. • They love to sleep on beaches for days at a time.
To learn more about Hawaiian Monk seals, the scientists who study them, and the activists working to protect them, visit the websites below:
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