The 2020 Fall Product Program kicks off Saturday, September 12 and there is a new contest this year!
*The first 50 Girl Scouts who sell 15 or more magazine subscriptions and complete the magazine contest form below, will receive a cool camp hammock!
Magazine subscriptions are purchased through a Girl Scouts’ online storefront in M2. There are lots of popular titles to choose from for sports enthusiasts, fashionistas, green thumbs, news hounds, and nature lovers! Magazines make great gifts for family and friends to enjoy, plus there are no shipping fees. Troops also earn 13% of subscription costs as proceeds.
Bonus: Girl Scouts who sell 15+ magazine subscriptions will not only qualify for a chance at receiving a hammock, but they will also qualify for two entries into the drawing for the giant plush sloth! For more information about the sloth contest, read this blog.
The contest form opens September 12. As soon as a girl has sold 15 or more magazine subscriptions, she should complete the form to qualify to receive a hammock.
*The first 50 Girl Scouts to qualify will be based on the date that the contest form is submitted, and the verified number of magazine subscriptions sold.
Magazines Contest Form:
Note: Hammocks will need to be picked up from the nearest GSCO office.
Questions? Call Girl Scouts of Colorado customer care at 877-404-5708 or email inquiry@gscolorado.org.
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.