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How Sweet Camp Is – Making Camp Honey Butter at Home

GSCO blog

Have you ever made homemade butter? What about jam? Have you ever brewed your own sweet peppermint tea with peppermint from your garden? Have you ever made a pizza with fresh toppings you’ve grown? How about cook and eat eggs for breakfast eggs you’ve collected that morning from the chickens? Ever milked a goat? And have you ever made your very own homemade apple dumpling from scratch? At Tomahawk Ranch, we have!! When girls attend Tomahawk Ranch in the summer, they will have the opportunity to try some of these amazing experiences.

At 8600ft in elevation within the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Tomahawk has its very own garden, greenhouse, and ranch!

We raise barn animals like goats, chickens, pigs, donkeys, peacocks, horses, rabbits, llamas, sheep, and more! We also grow everything from strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, limes & lemons, to beautiful flowers, stevia, mint, (and mint, and more mint!),  basil, rosemary, chives, sage, thyme, and SO MUCH MORE!  We even grow flowering cashmere for our fairy sweaters in the winter!

We want to share our amazing recipe for honey cinnamon butter with you, to give you a sweet taste of all the fun times you will have at camp-you can even try it at home!

Tomahawk Ranch Honey Butter:

Ingredients: Heavy Cream, Salt, Local Honey (from an apiary down the road or your local farmer’s market), Cinnamon

Supplies: Small Jam Jar, Marble (optional)

  1. Fill your jam jar ¾ of the way with Heavy Cream

  2. Add a couple pinches of salt (this depends on how salty you want your butter) MUST ADD SALT THOUGH (it’s what makes it butter)

  3. Add about 1 tsp cinnamon

  4. Add a generous spoon full of honey

  5. OPTIONAL: Add a marble to your jar to help with easier mixing

  6. Tightly close your jar

  7. Begin shaking your jar like a polaroid picture (if you just happen to have a paint can shaker at home, this relieves the stress of your arms) (we don’t so not to worry!)

You will 100% know when the butter is done-it will look like a chunk of butter.  If your butter has an ice cream consistency YOU ARE NOT DONE…keep shaking until it ABSOLUTELY looks like butter.

Once your butter is done, your chunk of butter will be sitting in liquid.  This DELICIOUS liquid is BUTTERMILK!!!! Make sure to pour out the buttermilk to save, as it makes wonderful pancakes, biscuits, cookies, pies, skin smoothing baths and more!!

Reminder: If you used a marble, don’t forget to spoon it out (it wouldn’t be too tasty), then close up the jar to give one last shake w/o the marble.

Then refrigerate and enjoy!! We recommend making homemade biscuits with your buttermilk to enjoy with your freshly made honey butter!!

Enjoy making Tomahawk Ranch Honey Butter at home, but if you want more recipes, or enjoyed making butter register your daughter for camp today, and enjoy ALL we have to offer!! Learn more about resident camp sessions at both Sky High and Tomahawk Ranch Camps this summer for your girl!

Sincerely, your excited Camp Director, Obi Joe” Monica Gray

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