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GSUSA Campfire Chat: The Truly Great Outdoors

GSCO blog

In a time that is full of unprecedented stress and anxiety for so many of us, we could all use the healing power of Mother Nature. Join the Girl Scout Network in partnership with The North Face from 1- 2 p.m. EST on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 for an exploration of the mental wellness benefits of getting outside, as well as the importance of creating space for everyone to experience the power of the outdoors. Adults and high school girls (Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors) are all welcome to join us for this special live virtual event!


  1. Kim Moore Bailey, CEO of Youth Outside

  2. Maureen Beck, Professional Climber

  3. I Ling Thompson, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Trust for Public Land

Moderator: Lauren Guthrie, Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, VF Corporation

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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