Submitted by Penny Roberts
It started with MMR enthusiasts trying to support their beloved Meadow Mountain Ranch. Three former camp counselors from MMR from long years passed have embarked on an ambitious project to collect and compile a comprehensive a history of MMR, and we invite you to help us. Using this blog medium we can expand our search to as many former staff members, CITs, campers, parents, leaders, and friends as possible. This project is being conducted with the support and encouragement of the GSCO History Collection volunteers out of the Loveland History Center.
Penny Boustead (“Pippin’”), Linda Ray (“Echo”) and Penny Roberts (“Pan”) are the ring-leaders of this daunting task. E-mail addresses follow: Penny Boustead; Linda Ray; Penny Roberts
The project keeps growing, including current names and contact information, dates of contact with MMR, positions of former staff, dates and information about building projects – – – even including “camp kids” (children of staff members) and “camp pets.” Information is being gleaned from staff books, e-mail listings, MMR alumnae data bases, personal contacts, and FaceBook contacts. Pan recently made a trip to the History Center in Loveland to scan the ephemera collected there about MMR and the original purchase data, a few gems of information about previous development plans and projects, and lots of additional names and dates of what happened when. Much more in-depth research will be required to get through all the documents, files and books about the property and its history.
If you would like to join us, please send whatever information you wish to provide. You can send written information, to any one of us via e-mail. You can scan and send documents to any of us. If you are ready to actually pass on your own personal collection of photos, slides, t-shirts, books, memorabilia, documents, plaques, awards – – – anything at all pertaining to MMR – – – please mail them to Penny Roberts at PO Box 211, Estes Park, Co. 80517. We will see they are directed to the right place. Please help us out by including approximate dates of their use/issue, as well as other details that you might like to share. The who, what, when, where and how are always important in history pursuits.
Please pass the word. Find us everyone and everything of note about MMR. Fifty three years is a lot of history, but our connections and involvements reach all over the country, and indeed, all around the world. Let us sort it all out – – – no detail is too small, and don’t assume that we already have that information, because it’s possible that we don’t.
A display cabinet will be installed and filled with memorabilia and information about MMR in the Homestead House during the Women’s Week at MMR on Saturday, August 2nd this summer. The displays can be added to and changed as time goes along, and this cabinet and display are being provided by History Group and Promise Partners members to help out this History Project. Also, the time capsule at MMR, originally installed in 1987 and opened in 2012 will be re-filled and sealed for the next 25 years on August 2.
We will keep you updated. It’s an exciting time to be involved in a new history project, and MMR holds such a precious place in many of our hearts that it is a joy to work on it.