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Girl Scouts of Colorado honors Women of Distinction in Grand Junction

GSCO blog

Thursday, Nov. 3, Girl Scouts of Colorado honored the 2016 inductees into the esteemed Women of Distinction program on the Western Slope during a breakfast at Two Rivers Convention Center in Grand Junction. A group of nearly 200 gathered at the event, which raised more than $19,000 for local Girl Scout programs. This year’s three honorees are:

  1. Christy Whitney Borchard, President and CEO, HopeWest

  2. Paula Reece, Marketing Director, Crossroads Fitness

  3. Ruth Trowbridge, Community Volunteer

These extraordinary women were selected by a committee of their peers led by Selection Chair Betsy Bair, Woman of Distinction 2014, and chosen based on their contributions to the community, both professionally and personally. They are shining examples of corporate, civic and philanthropic leadership and serve as role models for our female leaders of tomorrow.

The morning’s keynote speaker was Dr. Carrie Hauser, President of Colorado Mountain College. Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient and Girl Scouts of the USA National Young Woman of Distinction, Sarah Greichen shared her journey to earn her Gold Award. Girl Scout Silver Award Recipient Anela Cronk shared the story of her Silver Award project. Karen Troester, Woman of Distinction 2015, was this year’s event chair and emcee.

The Women of Distinction program began on the Western Slope in 2013. Including this year’s honorees, Girl Scouts of Colorado has recognized nine other women on the Western Slope with this honor.

Thank you to our Gold Presenting Sponsor: USBank and Silver Presenting Sponsor: Chevron.

To see photos from the event, go to our Flickr page:

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