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Girl Scouting at Home: Brownie Pets badge Part One of Five

GSCO blog

Girl Scouts of Colorado’s Outreach Program team has created a series of materials, including videos, to help Girl Scout Brownies earn their Pets badge at home! Step One: Find out what care different pets need.

Research the basics of care for two different pets. Maybe you want to learn about how to care for a puppy, kitten, turtle, or even a hedgehog! Whatever the pet is, learn the most important ways to care for that pet. With your caregiver’s permission and after taking the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge, go online to find out what the experts have to say about caring for different types of pets. Try to find websites run by veterinarians or animal shelters for the most accurate information. Other good research websites include:

You can also call friends or family members with pets and ask them what they think are important ways to care for their pet.

Bonus: Create a “care” poster or video for your favorite pet

  1. Team up with a sibling or caregiver to make a two-minute video about the essentials of caring for a specific type of pet. If you have a pet at home, maybe they can even make a guest appearance!

  2. Use a piece of paper and some craft supplies to create a poster to remind you of how to care for your chosen pet. Be sure to make it colorful and add some illustrations!

We understand that not everyone has a pet at home. For an alternate activity for the first step of this badge, check out this video.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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