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Girl Scout Myla Innovates the Helping Hand Glove to Help People

GSCO blog

Through the Cookie Box Innovation Challenge powered by Arrow Electronics, Girl Scout Cadette Myla from Arvada used recyclable materials to build a prototype of her dream innovation, Helping Hand Glove.

This idea stemmed from an earlier invention that she built for an engineering contest fair at her school a few years back. Myla created a page-turner, a simple motorized box that helped turn pages of a book. During the fair, an observer came up to Myla and shared with her how their mom had mobility issues and this innovation could really help her be able to read again, something she once loved to do but could no longer do without assistance.

This experience sparked an inspiration for Myla’s project. She made it her goal to push the limits by taking a simple innovation to the next level to continue to make a positive impact on other people’s lives.

Myla is showing how her innovation, Helping Hand Glove, helps people with lack of fine motor skills hold everyday objects like a pencil.

The Helping Hand Glove is comprised of six strategically placed magnets to help those with lack of fine motor skills hold everyday objects from a pencil or pen to holding a fork and eating, to just holding a paper.

Myla started out by taping magnets to her fingers and adjusting them to find the right spot. Next, she sketched out the model. Lastly, she built the prototype. While doing so, she noticed when the blue burlap fabric went all the way down the hand that it limited mobility, so she decided to replace that section with elastic instead. She also made sure the wrist strap was adjustable for different hand sizes and the fingers of the glove could easily slide off after use.

In recognition of her achievement and as a reflection of its own commitment to innovation, Arrow Electronics awarded Myla to a ride in the Arrow Electronics SAM car. Arrow’s Semi-Autonomous Motorcar (SAM) is a smart, connected racer that quadriplegic, former IndyCar driver Sam Schmidt operates using head movements for steering and breathing through a tube for speed.

Myla is wearing the special glasses that use head movements for steering and holding the tube that speeds up the car through breathing.

Myla had the opportunity to drive the car and experience first-hand the power of innovation. Not every 12-year-old gets the chance to drive a racecar… and up to 70 miles per hour! “Getting to drive the SAM car was amazing. I would’ve never been able to have an opportunity like this without Girl Scouts,” says Myla.

But Myla’s big dreams don’t stop here. “I see my innovation continuing to be a part of my future. My goal is to create more Helping Hand Gloves to donate to rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, and hospitals as a part of my future Gold Award project,” says Myla. “I hope to continue to help more people by creating new innovations in the future.”

Myla and her family at Coors Field getting to ride in the SAM car.

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