What did you do for your Gold Award project?
Educated others about North Metro Denver homelessness and about families in crisis. I created a sustainable program for supplying personal hygiene items for Growing Home clients.
Why did you pursue this Gold Award project?
If I had not been adopted, I could have been a homeless child and part of a family in crisis. I thank God I was adopted and this did not happen. My family and I have helped Growing Home for many years. After doing a survey of clients at Growing Home, I realized that they were in need of personal hygiene items. In fact, I heard one story where there were as a homeless girl. She had places to go to stay, food to eat, and could get food many places, but what she wanted most was personal hygiene items.
How did your Gold Award project make a difference?
To-date over 4,500 items have been collected and delivered to Growing Home for their clients. Growing Home clients who received those items potentially have better health and hygiene, were better able to get jobs, and had better self-esteem. People in our community were also educated about homelessness.
What skills did you gain through earning your Gold Award?
Most of all I learned to think of others and not just myself! That even though I am mentally and physically disabled I could plan and complete a large project where I was able to help others. I also am now able to make and give better presentations, talk in front of people more easily, and use Microsoft Office products better.
How did you make your project sustainable?
Three organizations that I gave presentations to agreed to have collection boxes for ongoing donations. They were: Community of Christ Church of Brighton, Summit of Peace Lutheran Church Senior Youth, and GS of CO Northwood’s Service Unit. My mother also continues to advertise my project and keeps the ongoing collection box out on our front porch.
What was your connection to the national or global community?
Homelessness and families in crisis is not a unique problem to the Denver Metro Area. More than 1.3 billion children live in extreme poverty. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. I could be one of those statistics. But I am not! I can’t help everyone, but I can make a difference educating others and helping them by giving them hygiene items. Making a difference! One person, one family at a time!
What will you most remember about your Gold Award project?
That I was able to go to many hotels and dental offices, share my project with them and in return they gave many donations. That where I gave my presentation everyone was receptive and wanted to help. Becoming a Growing Home Ambassador by taking so many people on tours of Growing Home to learn more about ways they could volunteer to help too was a highlight! Additionally, the overwhelming positive response about my presentation and project by the Gold Committee when I gave my final presentation.
How will earning your Gold Award help you in your future?
Because I learned that by working hard, being persistent, and with help of others I can do anything I set my mind to do. As I enter into the transition program this fall and into the job market soon many skills I used and learned as part of my project will help me get and keep a job.
Why do you feel the Gold Award is an important part of your Girl Scout experience?
It is an important culmination of experiences and learning after being in Girl Scouts for twelve years. It is like the Grand Finale! The ultimate project I have been building up to all these years to do for addressing an issue, thinking of others and not yourself, making a difference and leaving the world a better place, and having it continue to live on.
***IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog represents only a small fraction of the hard work, dedication and requirements that go into earning a Girl Scout Gold Award. It is simply a brief summary, which is meant to inspire Girl Scouts to Go Gold in the future. For more information on earning your Gold Award, please email highestawards@gscolorado.org