Monica Weller
Denver Center for International Studies
Exchange Student Community Program
What did you do for your Gold Award project?
I planned and participated in monthly events alongside Rotary Youth Exchange students.
Why did you pursue this Gold Award project?
As a former exchange student, I wanted to create a fun environment in which students can feel comfortable and safe.
How did your Gold Award project make a difference?
Not only did I create a community get-together for students to connect at, but I also made students more aware of what Colorado has to offer. I’d like to think that these students will be inspired to start communities of their own when they go back to their own countries.
What skills did you gain through earning your Gold Award?
I gained a better sense of time-management, leadership abilities, how to interact with a diverse range of individuals, and the knowledge of how to set up, plan, and make reservations for events.
What will you most remember about your Gold Award project?
The friendships. I love meeting new people, and being able to create a community that allows this to happen is fantastic!
How will earning your Gold Award help you in your future?
I’ve learned how to better interact with all kinds of people! I now have a better idea of how to manage planning and knowing how to improvise when plans go awry. This project taught me the importance of creating communities that can bring people together, which is something I want to continue promoting in the future. Whatever I end up doing, I will have stronger leadership skills to support me.
Why do you feel the Gold Award is an important part of your Girl Scout experience?
It gave my Girl Scout experience something to focus around. Rather than a mishmash of activities, the Gold Award brought a central idea of responsibility to my experience. In turn, this helped me to take more pride (if that’s possible!) in myself as a Girl Scout Ambassador.