Emily Calzolari
Mead High School
Helmet Helper
What did you do for your Gold Award project?
I provided helmets for the Longmont Ice Pavilion and educated Learn-to-Skate parents and participants of the dangers of skating. Through word of mouth, posters, flyers and a Facebook page, the dangers of figure skating where addressed and proper safety techniques were put to the test.
Why did you pursue this Gold Award project?
As a competitive figure skater and figure skating instructor, safety is my number one priority for me. But some people don’t know how dangerous it can be. I felt as though it was my responsibility as a Girl Scout Ambassador, a figure skating instructor and an athlete, to educate those who wanted to participate in the sport of figure skating.
How did your Gold Award project make a difference?
After my Gold Award I noticed almost all the participants were wearing helmets. It was an amazing thing to see, and I was amazed at what my Gold Award had done.
What skills did you gain through earning your Gold Award?
Public speaking skills were definitely involved, and because of my Gold Award, I am a well-spoken young lady who can convey her thoughts and ideas with ease.
What will you most remember about your Gold Award project?
The kids faces! When I first started teaching at the Longmont Ice Pavilion many kids where scared to let go of the wall because they would fall and hurt themselves. But now that they are equipped with safety techniques and safer equipment (helmets), they venture far from the wall without falling, and this is helping them improve their ice skating skills.
How will earning your Gold Award help you in your future?
Earning my Gold Award has taught me a lot about perseverance and determination. Many people kept shutting me down and telling me that none of this would be possible. But I was determined to make a difference in my community.
Why do you feel the Gold Award is an important part of your Girl Scout experience?
Earning your Gold Award is like going to the Olympics. It’s a long, hard journey that only few can attend. But if you are determined, and work hard, anything is possible. To be a Girl Scout Ambassador and to have achieved my Girl Scout Gold Award is something I am proud of, knowing only 1% of girls achieve it. It makes me proud to know that I have impacted my community and will continue to do so through my project’s sustainability.