Submitted by Molly McPherson, 2017 Gold Award Girl Scout
Southwestern Colorado
I am excited to share where my Gold Award project, “Saving the World One Bottle at a Time,” has taken me. I was contacted by Polar Bottle and they have recruited me as a brand ambassador. I am now sponsored by the company, and they have shared my information on their website, which is really cool and some extra good publicity. Here’s the link if you want to check it out:
Secondly, I finished the video that I was planning to make! It took a considerable amount of time, planning, and energy. I have had fairly good success with the promotion of it! Here is the link for it on YouTube:
I am now living in Durango, and going to school at Fort Lewis College, but I am hoping to do more presentations about the harmful effects of plastic bottles, as well as team up with our environmental center and do some more projects! I am looking forward to where this project will be taking me, and I will keep you updated with the success of it!
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