Join GSCO for our annual Girl Scout Day at Dinosaur Ridge in Morrison on Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. All Girl Scouts, friends, and family are invited. Representatives from local STEM-focused organizations will lead hands-on activities for Girl Scouts and work toward earning badges! National Fossil Day is also October 16, so come learn about fossils and celebrate in honor of this special day.
Register online now! https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/en/events-repository/2019/girl_scout_day_at_di.html
Advance Registration before October 15: $9/Girl Scout, $5/Adults and other youth.
Walk-Up Registration Day Of (walk up registration closes at 1 p.m.): $10/Girl Scout, $6/adults and other youth
A National Fossil Day patch is included in the price for Girl Scouts and patches will be given out at check-in on the day of the event.
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 15. (after October 15 walk ups will be accepted day of the event until 1 p.m. at an increase of $1/person).
The event starts at 9 a.m. and Girl Scouts have until 3 p.m. to complete activities. Troops and families should allow at least two hours to complete activities and plan to arrive no later than 1 p.m.
This is not a drop off event. Girl Scouts and other youth must attend with a troop leader, parent, or guardian. Children are not permitted to attend without supervision.
Save on your ticket and time in line through registering NOW!
Things to bring:
Water, jacket, hat, sunscreen, and snacks.
Good walking shoes. Your camera. Your friends or family.
Wear your vest or sash to show off your Girl Scout pride!
A camera to document the day and share photos on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, using #GSColo.
The desire to learn about the creatures that walked the earth millions of years ago.
Things to remember at Dinosaur Ridge:
It is an outdoor museum. This means that fossils, bones, and you are exposed to the elements. Please bring a jacket, hat, sunscreen, and plenty of water.
Dinosaur Ridge has water and soda available for purchase in the Main Visitor Center Gift Shop.
Dinosaur Ridge does not have an on-site restaurant. There will be a few local food trucks on site for this event and you can bring your own lunch or snacks if you will be hungry on the Ridge.
Dinosaur Ridge has several picnic tables in front of and behind the Main Visitor Center Gift Shop.
Please deposit all trash in our designated trash and recycling bins.
There are port-o-lets located on the Ridge (on the east side just uphill from the main tracksite).
No climbing or collecting
Hiking trail – Jefferson County Open Space maintains a trail on top of the Ridge.
Take advantage of interpretive signs along the Ridge to learn about the paleontology, geology, and natural history of Dinosaur Ridge and Colorado. •
Although the Ridge is closed to vehicular traffic, we have many cyclists who enjoy Dinosaur Ridge along with pedestrian walkers. Please stay in the walking lane—the side closest to the Ridge during your journey.
Questions? For more information, please contact Aimee Artzer at Aimee.artzer@gscolorado.org. If you have any questions about this event or have trouble completing registration, please contact inquiry@gscolorado.orgor 877-404-5708.