If you have family or friends who are currently deployed, please send their APO address to hatm@gmx.com and kaymartley@gmail.com no later than Monday, March 14, 2022. Volunteers will be packing packages of Girl Scout cookies on Saturday, March 19 at the Colorado Armory in Aurora to be mailed to the addresses provided.
If you have cookies to donate to the Military, please make a reservation for drop off to hatm@gmx.com. You will receive an email with drop off instructions for March 19. Troops may be able to help with the packing if we get approval because of COVID.
If you would like the girls to make cards for the Military, you can mail them to Kay Martley, Girl Scout volunteer. To get mailing address or answer any questions, email Kay Martley at kaymartley@gmail.com. They Girl Scouts and Hearts Across the Miles have been working together on this project for many years.