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Girl Scout alumnae visit the GSCO history collection

GSCO blog

history center 2

Submitted by Heidi Books


Northern and Northeastern Colorado

In July, the GSCO history volunteers welcomed Girl Scout alumnae and friends for a tour of the GSCO history collection.  Alumnae came from all across the Front Range – Fort Collins to the south Denver area.  They were very impressed with the vast collection owned by Girl Scouts of Colorado and lovingly cared for by the GSCO history committee.

Displays of uniforms, books, badges, and collectibles were set up by the committee.  Also highlighted were activities that troops can do when they visit the history center, as well as uniforms and books that can be checked out and returned.

After the tour, the group traveled to Linda Robinson’s house for a picnic potluck in the shade of Linda’s cottonwood tree.  Wonderful food and fellowship were enjoyed, along with the great views of the Front Range and Northern Colorado from Linda’s backyard.

Total number of Girl Scout membership years was 540.  The youngest member at 29-years-old joined us for lunch; the oldest members have been Girl Scouts for 6 or more decades.

For more information on the GSCO History Center, please email For more information on Girl Scout alumnae activities in Northern Colorado, please email For more information on Girl Scout alumnae activities statewide, please email Heidi Books at

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