Submitted by Becky Leach
Pikes Peak
Our combined troop of Brownies and Juniors set their goals like every other troop for their cookie sales. They live in a semi-rural area, with only a couple of stores available to sell cookies from, so they had some obstacles to overcome.
The girls discussed the merits of selling cookies for our servicemen and women instead of actual boxes. They set a goal of 750 boxes via donations to sell through “Gift of Caring”. They met with women in the active military stationed in our area to learn about what it was like for women to be in the U.S. Army and Air Force. They received photos from troops serving overseas who had benefitted from getting Girl Scout Cookies.
The girls made special vests to wear at their cookie booth events that promoted the GOC cause and had many good conversations with customers who wouldn’t have bought cookies for themselves. Every customer was asked to donate their change to help buy just one more box for our military! In the end, they surpassed their goal and were able to donate 1174 boxes to our military troops! They were very excited to learn that they were the top Gift of Caring contributor in the state of Colorado!
A special thank you for our Co-Leader and Cookie Sale Manager, Renee Carroll-Jarboe, for her hard work and dedication to this cause!
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