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Get ready for Girl Scout Cookie Season

GSCO blog

December is a busy time of year for all and preparations for the 2020 Girl Scout Cookie Program are well underway! For new troops and for those of you who are new to being troop cookie managers, you might be wondering what can do in December and January to get ready to support the girls in your troop through cookie season.

The checklist below will guide you through the steps to take to be prepared.

You will receive additional information and resources when you attend training. Also, know that you will have the support of peers – the service unit cookie manager (SUCM) and other key volunteers in your area, as well as GSCO staff. Your volunteer support specialist and product program specialist can answer your questions and guide you through the responsibilities of the TCM role.

  1. Attend TCM training. Go to our events page to register for classes in your area or go to the TCM training blog article to see the list of trainings with registration links.

  2. Submit your ACH authorization form and TCM agreement form for this new membership year (ACH and TCM forms are submitted annually.) TCM’s who have completed their ACH form and TCM agreement form, will gain access to eBudde on/after December 16, 2019.

  3. Make sure that everything is current with your troop bank account and that all signers on the account are updated.

  4. Once you have access to eBudde, verify bank account information.

  5. Check the troop roster before January 10, 2020 to ensure that all girls who are active in your troop have a current membership. Girls must have a current membership to participate in the Cookie Program. If there are girls listed on your roster who are not active in your troop, contact your volunteer support specialist to have your roster updated. Girls cannot transfer between troops after January 10, 2020.

  6. Submit your initial order of cookie inventory by January 13, 2020 8 p.m. MST. Reach out to your service unit cookie manager (SUCM) for assistance.

  7. Check with your SUCM to see if there is a cookie rally happening in your area and plan for your troop to attend! It’s a great way for girls to meet other Girl Scouts and get ready for cookie season!

  8. Collaborate with the troop leadership team to coach the girls to discuss their goals and what they want to do with their troop

  9. Have a family meeting in January. Present the Cookie Program training. Have caregivers sign permission slips. Have girls talk about their goals. Ask for family support during cookie season. Create a group agreement so that everyone is clear on what’s expected and how they can contribute.

  10. February 1 – Delivery Day! TCM’s plan for cookie inventory pick-up and distribution to girls and caregivers.

Have questions or need assistance? Please call GSCO Customer Care at 877-404-5708 or email

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