Our Cadettes are inviting troops in the surrounding areas to a fundraising opportunity! This craft fair will allow your girls to shine and take charge of their business. Our own troop is earning money to fund their Silver Project which they're calling, "The M&M Project." They're bringing menstrual products to their school's bathrooms and eventually hope to spread it throughout the community so all girls can have easy access to products.
Hosted by: Girl Scout Troop 76091
Date: Thursday, Dec 14, 2023
Time: 5 – 8 p.m. (Vendor set up starts at 2 p.m.)
Location: Boulder County Fairgrounds Exhibit Building (9595 Nelson Road in Longmont)Rent a 15 x 15 booth space for $10 (includes one table)
Questions? Email Alisha James at csured@gmail.com or call/text 303-359-7115