Submitted by Jordan Cadena
Metro Denver
The Woods Service Unit and Troop 66742 invite you to “The Wood’s Family Sock Hop Dance!”
(This is an all age, all gender inclusive event)
Grab your poodle skirt or leather and let’s rock around the clock!
Saturday, January 19, 2019
6 – 9 p.m.
Adams County Fairgrounds Waymire Dome
9755 Henderson Rd., Brighton, CO 80601
Advanced Purchased Tickets:
$18/couple (includes one fun patch)
$9/ individual ticket (includes one fun patch)
$2 for one additional patch
Admission increased at the door to $20/couple and $10/individual
Purchase in advance:
It is encouraged that you bring cash for concessions.
Questions? Call or text Jordan at (720) 384 – 8420.
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