Submitted by Carrie Chase
Pueblo and Southeastern Colorado
Being a Cookie Dad to a Girl Scout is pretty special! However being a Cookie Dad to a Troop Leader is AMAZING! My Step-dad, Randy Edwards is that AMAZING man!
Randy Edwards is a firm believer in scouting programs for boys and girls of all ages! Four years ago when he joined our family, he was already a registered Boy Scout. When a tiny Daisy granddaughter asked him to be a Girl Scout too, he immediately signed up for the fun!
The past four years Randy has been brave enough to be the “token male” at Lazy Acres “Girls vs Wild Day Camp.” He has taught girls how to build fires safely and to use pocket knives safely. He has also taught the girls in our troop how to sell cookies safely!
Randy has participated in our Cookie Kick Off the past few years by wearing a beanie hat, and pretending to be a scout who is just learning how to sell cookies. He has “sold” cookies without an adult, has “eaten” cookies while selling, and has “sold” without a buddy. Each of his silly antics make the girls laugh, but it has also taught them how to be smart and safe Cookie Bosses (and how to NOT sell cookies!). On several occasions I have had girls tell me about safe selling based on what they learned from Randy.
Randy has also been an amazing support to myself and my troop during the sale as well. When we first began to talk about picking up cookies, Randy was the first one to volunteer his truck, trailer and time. On many occasions he has driven to the cookie cupboards to pick up more cookies, and he has taken time out of his day to check cookies out to the girls in my troop when myself and my co-leader were unavailable.
Randy has been the extra adult at several cookie booths. He has also made himself available to run more cookies to a booth, get change as needed, and to take tired leaders kids away from the booths for awhile when they need a break! And of course he always has a Girl Scout Cookie order form with him to take orders for his favorite (now Junior) Girl Scout!
Girls who have Cookie Dads are pretty lucky! I think however that “Big Girls” (leaders) who have Cookie Dads are the luckiest!
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